Financial Analysis of Chinese Listed Pesticide Enterprises in 2020

Report edition: 2021 edition(4)
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Document type: PDF
Total pages : 33
Language version: English
Published by CCM
   USD 760
   USD 1,900

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  • Introduction
  • Main contents
  • List of tables


Since 2020, COVID-19, natural disasters and global economic recession have added many uncertainties to the development of agrochemical industry, such as changes in consumer demand, industrial chain disruption, etc. However, the global agrochemical market saw resilient growth, with robust demand and increasing sales volume for crop protection products despite ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. Overall, worldwide crop protection sales volumes were strong in 2020, driven by increasing global planting areas, severe pests and diseases, and improved weather conditions in key growing regions.

In the face of the aftermath of the pandemic, some companies have delayed the resumption of work and production, which causes insufficient raw material production. Many enterprises make every effort to organize the raw material procurement, carry out product production, and ensure stable supply. Due to the improvement of production management mode, product R&D and sales channels, some enterprises can quickly adapt to market changes.

With the increasing awareness of environmental protection, the toxicity and residue of pesticides have attracted more and more attention. Due to the relatively serious pollution problems involved in the pesticide production process, Chinese government and various provinces have issued corresponding policies to restrict and manage chemical and pesticide enterprises, as well as optimize the production layout. The environmental protection standards of domestic chemical industry continued to be improved. Over the past years, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs (MOA) and other relevant competent departments have issued a number of announcements on prohibition and restriction of pesticide use, accelerating the elimination of high toxic and high residual pesticides. High efficiency, low toxicity and low residue of new environmental protection pesticides have become the focus and mainstream of the industry. From the perspective of industry development, with the increasing competition and environmental protection pressure, the integration of pesticide industry in China has accelerated, and continued to develop towards an intensive and large-scale direction.

In this report, CCM will analyse 25 major listed pesticide companies in China in 2020 from the following aspects:

√ Total revenue

√ Net profit

√ Net cash flow

√ Total assets

√ Net assets

√ R&D expenses

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