Liancheng on list of 2014 leisure agriculture and rural tourism demonstration county

Publish time: 22nd December, 2014      Source: China Daily
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Jiulonghu Lake in Liancheng county. [Photo provided for China Daily]

Liancheng county, Longyan city of China's southeast Fujian province, has been included on the list of the 2014 national demonstration counties for leisure agriculture and rural tourism,according to the official website of the Country's National Tourism Administration.


In an attempt to encourage the development of rural tourism, a string of measures have been taken on by the Liancheng government over the years, such as stimulating more capital to invest in tourism, improving supportive policies, and speeding up the infrastructure and construction.


At present, there are 112 rural tourism resorts, 49 Hakka rural tourism demonstration farm-stays, 2 three-star rural tourism units and 3 national 4A level scenic spots in Liancheng county.