Liuzhou’s four steps in rural construction

Publish time: 22nd December, 2014      Source: China Daily
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On Dec 10, the 18th Liuzhou municipal governmental executive meeting deliberated and passed the draft of Planning Outline for Important Activities of "Beautiful Liuzhou' Rural Construction (2013-2020) and the Implementation Plan of "Beautiful Liuzhou, Ecological Villages' Activity. The documents explicitly stipulated the timetable for each step of the "Beautiful Liuzhou' Rural Construction and pointed out the necessity to solve problems of Liuzhou's rural living environment and infrastructure.


According to the Planning Outline and the Implementation Plan, the planning period of the important activities of "Beautiful Liuzhou' Rural Construction is from 2013 to 2020, including four stages which are "Clean Village', "Ecological Village', "Livable Village' and "Happy Village'. The "Clean Village' period started in May 2013, and achieved its desired results.


Now, the construction has entered the "Ecological Village' period and will focus on village afforestation, drinking water purification and road construction in 2015 and 2016. The village afforestation emphasizes planting trees beside roads and inside schools and aims to realize a coverage rate of trees over 65 percent by the end of 2016. The drinking water purification project aims to provide a tap water popularizing rate of 75 percent in the rural areas of Liuzhou and the road construction project strives to build a high-level, unimpeded and safe rural road network with various kinds of services in 2016.


In addition, the "Beautiful Liuzhou, Livable Village' activity will be held from 2017 to 2018, with three special campaigns which are "Enriching people by industry development', "Benefiting people by service provision' and "favoring people by infrastructure improvements' and the "Beautiful Liuzhou, Happy Village' project will be carried out in 2020 with three campaigns of "Beautiful Environment', "Colorful Life' and "Harmonious Village'.