Rabobank launches Fastracks Indices

Publish time: 16th July, 2008      Source: www.cnchemicals.com
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July 16, 2008
Rabobank launches Fastracks Indices
Press Release

Rabobank has launched two new food and agribusiness (F&A) equity-linked indices focused on Asian and Global F&A companies- the "Rabo Fastracks Index" Series, to meet the investment community's needs for F&A benchmarks for investment opportunities emerging in the agriculture sector beyond commodities.



The Indices are a new benchmark in the F&A sector focused on "the next phase" of agriculture's boom, beyond commodities. The Indices provide benchmarks for investors and fund managers in constructing investment products to capture the possible continued growth ahead in the agriculture sector.



Rabobank's F&A indices will be focused on five F&A sectors that Rabobank identified as the next era in global food and agribusiness: agri-inputs, agri-machinery & equipment, energy crops and commodities, food processing and protein.



Following the launch of the Rabo Fastracks Indices, Rabobank plans to issue Index-based, investment products with various risks and return profiles tailored for investors.


"The Fastracks indices will be an excellent benchmarking tool for individual investors and fund managers if they are interested in access to the F&A sectors as focused investment themes," said Director Xavier Ducros, who is a member of the Indices Development Team.