HerdStar updates Bintrac website

Publish time: 18th May, 2009      Source: www.cnchemicals.com
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May 18, 2009


HerdStar updates Bintrac website

HerdStar has released its latest version of www.cnchemicals.com introducing a new concept in Bin Monitoring and Feed tracking.



Bintrac VMI version 2.0 now tracks and reports Feed Events occurring on feed bins in near real time.



Using Bintrac's new Event Monitoring and Notification Service, a barn manager can be notified when a bin has been filled or when the bin is not providing any feed.



Bintrac now can also text-message managers at six hours, 12 hours and 18 hours into a Feed-Out Event allowing them ample time to correct the issue before it impacts production.



Bintrac version 2.0 will alert individuals to Events while logged into the www.cnchemicals.com website as well as email or text-message notification of the feed events as they develop, providing up to three notifications on Events as they trigger preconfigured severity levels.



Bintrac VMI version 2.0 has also enhanced its Historical Single and Tandem Bin Graphs.



HerdStar produces transparent tracing, tracking, and monitoring solutions to the livestock food industry while producing operational savings and management efficiencies to the producer, processor, and retailer.