China Li-ion Battery E-News

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Published by CCM

China Li-ion (Lithium-Ion) Battery E-News provides you with real-time intelligence on China's lithium-ion battery market.
China's Li-ion battery market has developed at breakneck pace in recent years, fuelled by the rise of the mobile phone, the tablet, and more lately the electric vehicle and energy storage industries.
Up to this point, Chinese manufacturers have used cost advantages to grab market share from their competitors in Japan, Korea and the US, but their long-term future is still uncertain as they struggle to close the R&D gap between themselves and their international competitors. Industry consolidation is also sure to accelerate over the next few years.
China Li-ion Battery E-News will help you stay ahead of the game in this fast-changing market with real-time reporting on the entire Li-ion battery industry chain, from lithium ore and brine markets through anode and cathode materials and electrolyte to the downstream consumer electronics, EV and energy storage markets. This includes:
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Main Content of China Li-ion Battery E-News 201511

Price of this issue :
USD 90

Published on 27th November, 2015

Published on 27th November, 2015

Published on 27th November, 2015

In November 2015, China's MIIT released the Guidelines to Develop Industry Key and Common Technology (2015). Specifically, it gives directions to Li-ion battery industry, to improve energy density and reduce cost.

Published on 27th November, 2015

In November 2015, Yahua announced Zhonghe's plan to acquire its two lithium companies, State Lithium and Blossom Lithium, through issuing shares. The reason why Yahua withdraws from the growing lithium business, is mainly because Yahua is incapable of carrying back its losses - it invests a lot in lithium ore mining but is unable to achieve scaled production.

Published on 27th November, 2015

In November 2015, Do-Fluoride announced the completion of capital increase in Do-Fluoride Jiaozuo, vehicle listed in MIIT's recommended alternative energy vehicle types, and business license obtained by Do-Fluoride Xingtai. All of these indicate that Do-Fluoride has been forwarding the alternative energy vehicle business stably, which is expected to bring sales growth in 2016.

Published on 26th November, 2015

Published on 26th November, 2015

Published on 26th November, 2015

Published on 26th November, 2015

Published on 25th November, 2015

On 11 Nov., 2015, the 15th International Fine Chemicals Market Seminar was held in Shanghai. Stanley Wang, fluorochemical and Li-ion battery industry analyst from CCM, was invited to make a speech, namely LiPF6 Benefiting from Explosive Growth of Alternative Energy Vehicle, involving the domestic sluggish fluorochemical market, the necessity to transform into premium-marketed fine chemicals, and the well-developing LiPF6 segment and its downstream drivers.

Published on 25th November, 2015

In mid-November 2015, EVE announced to make a private placement to raise USD95.00 million (RMB600 million), for further investment into the Li-ion battery business. In 2015, the company, previously involved in electronic cigarette field, has frequently invested to develop the power Li-ion battery business. CCM holds a positive attitude towards EVE's future performance, in light of its joint operation of 2 technological routes, LFP and ternary materials.

Published on 24th November, 2015

Published on 24th November, 2015

In mid-November, 2015, Guoxuan High-Tech announced to launch a 1 billion Ah/a power Li-ion battery production line to support the operation of BAIC BJEV's 150,000 unit/a alternative energy vehicle project. Guoxuan High-Tech has been continuously improving its supply chain, from cathode materials, separator to power Li-ion battery and further to alternative energy vehicle, which will play an important role in its future fighting in the domestic alternative energy market, according to analyst CCM.

Published on 22nd November, 2015

In November 2015, Guangzhou Tinci announced that the capital raised through private placement had arrived completely and had been put into the projects. This indicates that it will speed up the pace to extend the electrolyte related up- and down-stream supply chain and will reverse the financial performance by strengthening cost management and control, bettering the distribution channel deployment and improving the capability to develop new products.

Published on 18th November, 2015

Published on 12th November, 2015

Published on 11th November, 2015

In Q1-3 2015, Ningbo Shanshan recorded a rapid increase in net profit after reducing holdings of the Bank of Ningbo for cash out. According to analyst CCM, Ningbo Shanshan will become the above average in the alternative energy market with abundant capital and depth distribution in upstream Li-ion battery material and downstream alternative energy vehicle industries.

Published on 11th November, 2015

In November 2015, Jiangsu Jiujiujiu announced to expand the LiPF6 production capacity. This is aimed at magnifying the scale effect and better seizing the opportunities brought by the downstream emerging demand, to further enhance the competitiveness and improve the profitability, according to analyst CCM.

Published on 9th November, 2015

In Q3 2015, FMC recorded declines in both the revenue and the pre-tax profit from lithium product business, as the costs were pushed up and the production was decreased because of the adverse financial conditions in Argentina and the climate changes in South America. Specifically, its production down-regulation in Q3 also caused tight supply in the globe.

Published on 5th November, 2015

Published on 4th November, 2015

Published on 4th November, 2015

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