About Exhibition

China (Africa) Agrochemicals Summit and Exhibition sponsored by CCPIT Sub-Council of Chemical Industry and Egerton University receives full support from Agrochemical Association of Kenya (AAK), Kenya Pest Control Products Board (PCPB) and Pesticides Manufacturers and Formulators Association of India (PMFAI).

Egerton University, co-organizer of CAC Africa Summit, has outstanding advantage in agriculture study and research. It is located in Nakuru, capital of Great Rift Valley County, in the central of Great Rift Valley. Great Rift Valley area is the granary of Kenya, where most of the farms and flowers production cluster around. Egerton University is strong in conducting agricultural market research, agricultural technology training and demonstration, has resources and facilities including agricultural demonstration zone and molecular biology laboratory, and enjoys high reputation in the agriculture industry in Kenya and Africa.

 It will make use of agricultural resources in Nakuru and extensive connections with local industry; invite officials, experts and professionals from pesticide management authority, agricultural technology extension authority, association, industry players and farms in Kenya and neighboring countries. Currently, high official from PCPB, pesticide registration management authority has confirmed to support and attend CAC Africa Summit, and exhibition visitors are estimated to exceed 1000. 

Website: http://www.cnchemicals.com/
