Forecasts on Crop Pests and Diseases in China

Report edition: 2021 edition(1)
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Document type: PDF
Total pages : 20
Language version: English
Published by CCM
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  • Introduction
  • Main contents
  • List of tables
  • List of figures


Based on comprehensive analysis of previous occurrence of pests and diseases, crop distribution, planting methods and climatic trend, the occurrence area of major corn pests and diseases may reach 29.33 million ha. in 2021, up 13.4% year on year. It is predicted that the Class-I crop pests and diseases will occur heavily in 2021, with an occurrence area of 95.20 million ha., an increase of 17.5% compared with that in 2020. Thereinto, Class-I crop pests and diseases, such as Spodoptera frugiperda, wheat stripe rust, rice planthopper and rice leaf roller, are very likely to occur severely.

According to the National Agro-Tech Extension and Service Center (NATESC) and some experts, major pests and diseases of grain crops such as wheat, rice and corn will break out heavily, affecting an area of 140.00 million ha. in total, a year-on-year increase of 14%, which threatens more than 70% of the agricultural production areas in China.

In addition, potato late blight will happen heavily in most areas of the Southwest China, eastern part of Northwest China, Northeast China and northern part of North China. It is expected that Loxostege sticticalis will occur heavily in most part of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, western part of Northeast China. Overall occurrence of migratory locusts will be slight in China. It is worth noting that desert locust and Ceracris kiangsu Tsai may invade the border of Southwest China again.

In this report, CCM will provide the forecasts on the occurrence of pests and diseases in China in 2021 from the following aspects:

√ Class-I crop

√ Rice

√ Wheat

√ Corn

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