West Australia CBH unveils US$19 million grain system upgrade

Publish time: 19th November, 2008      Source: www.cnchemicals.com
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November 19, 2008
West Australia CBH unveils US$19 million grain system upgrade

Western Australia-based grain company Cooperative Bulk Handling Ltd said on Wednesday (19 November) that it will unveil more than A$30 million (US$19 million) on upgrades to its storage and handling network in November.



CBH chairman Neil Wandel said the upgrades are part of more than A$50 (US$32 million) in capital spending to improve the network, which links 200 upcountry storage sites and four coastal export terminals.


The focus of CBH, which is the only bulk grain handler in the state, is to provide the best network for its grower owners while keeping charges as slow as possible, he said.