CCM Published China Consumption Pattern Report on Polysilicon in 2008

Publish time: 12th January, 2011      Source: CCM
Information collection and data processing:  CCM     For more information, please contact us

      CCM releases its in-depth consumption pattern report on Polysilicon. consumption of Polysilicon in China is published in March 2009. It begins with a brief introduction to China's Polysilicon industry,Polysilicon, being the base for Semiconductor and Photovoltaic (PV) industry, has a major influence on its end markets. With the robust growth in its end markets i.e. solar and semiconductor, more in solar industry, the world market for polysilicon has been growing rapidly since 2004 leading to an imbalance in polysilicon supply and demand.




      Global hiking price of oil, as well as alarming energy crisis, push rapid development of renewable energies around the world, with solar energy an outstanding one. How the consumption pattern changed from the year 2008 in China? Details are analyzed by the CCM researchers. And the situation of output & input of polysilicon in China around 2008 is also mentioned in the data book.




      The data package mainly focuses on the following points:


      -Consumption pattern of Polysilicon in China in 2008  


      -Related content chunks


      -LCNSG building polysilicon production lines


      -Chinese polysilicon output to reach 30,000 tonnes in 2010







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